Monday, 16 June 2008

An angry washing machine

Last week my washing machine demonstrated what it really thought of me by spewing water all over my porch. Luckily I was mopping at the time so at least I was ready for it. This seems to have happened at quite a convenient time. We moved into our house about four years ago and bought the cheapest washing machine we could with little thought to how environmentally friendly it was, thats all we could afford. Obviously now we aren't spending all our cash on moving in, but we are still pretty skint. If I buy another cheap washing machine will it be a false economy?

Ok, so this is not exactly fashion related, but whats the point in being environmentally concious when I am choosing what to wear if when I get them home I shove my new found second hand goodies into an energy guzzling monster? I am already pretty hot on the saving money front when it comes to washing, thanks to my mum and her love of bid up tv. Last year she came accross washing machine balls, which instead of using powders or liquids is just a ball that you put in your washing machine and it makes everything lovely and clean! They are amazing, I haven't bought washing powder or liquid since well before christmas, my washing is clean and smells fresh (actual freshness not highly perfumed artificial freshness either!) and the ball looks as if it has hardly been used! They are suitable for every kind of washing; delicates, woolens, synthetics and are even suitable for thoses with sensitive skin. I found some online at and would highly recommend them for anyone wanting to save money and be a bit greener:

My Mum bought a pack of three, gave one to me, one to my brother and kept one for herself and none of our balls are even close to being finished. So not only does this save loads of money, it also reduces the amount of chemicals going into the water system from our washing machines and cuts down on the packaging going into landfill from the bottles and boxes of detergents we used to buy. I have to admit though, the balls are not brilliant at removing stains, however I use this:

ecover stain remover. Believe me, I am a mucky pup with a love of beetroot and this takes the stains out of everything. I have also noticed that my clothes don't fade either, I have an amazing bright yellow vintage mac which is my absolute favourite item of clothing in the whole wide world and whether I climb trees or spill my dinner, it isn't fading! So although this edition of the blog may not really be about fashion, its about taking care of what you've got!

So anyway, back to the washing machine problem! I have found this beauty:

(the rest of this website is also really good!) so i need to find £349 from somewhere. I don't believe in dryers, I have a washing line and radiators so I don't need it to include that. Basically what I want is a washing machine that will last and not cost the earth (literally) to run. So I may have my heart set on this!! On a completely random note, a friend and I went to Bradford Industrial Museum a couple of weeks ago to see an exhibition called 'Domestic Bliss':

It has domestic appliances from the early nineteenth right throught to the twentieth century. It is a small but fantastic exhibition and worth it just to see the beautiful retro and iconic designs of the electric mixers and toasters! It also made me think of my nan who has had the fridge she has now for well over 20 years. Now I know her fridge is probably not very efficient but will the fact that she hasn't sent a fridgefreezer to landfill in the time most people will send four or five balance out her carbon footprint? Well now I am really getting off track, I think I have been listening to Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobious Pips 'Letter from God' too much!Basically, I am going to do a carboot this week to try and raise some money. I want to really declutter my wardrobe and house. Keep the really good stuff for swaps but get rid of the excess. I shall keep you updated!

On the swaps front I have recieved my mustard yellow cardi:

and love it!! Unfortunately the button went walkabout before my fellow swapper got to send it but she let me know before hand to see if i still wanted to go ahead. I am glad I did as I love it! I have a huge jar of buttons so I am sure I will be able to find something. I have also sent out another swap today and am waiting to recieve a top shop dress for myself.

Unfortunately there hasn't been any progress on project shirt, mainly due to lack of time, but i am determined to get the sleeves on this week! And thats it for now.

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